Sunday, December 3, 2006

...cold as a mutha f*cker!

... thought that would get your attention. welcome to freedom 101... I'll be your host for as long as you'll have me... thoughtfully supplying you w/ wit, ramblings & anything else I find the need to purge. Buckle up bitches! ;L)
I'm in Council Bluff, IA... 4 degrees and cold as a mutha f*cker! I'll be home for a total of 9 hrs tomorrow. Long enough to throw some laundry in and make a nice indention on my couch. I plan to spend the day in front of the 'ol picture box... I'm anxious for the time off. well at least the few hours.
the band has a writing/rehearsal at 5. Gotta get some of these new joints in the can. I'm bursting at the seams to start the new record. All in good time... first the holidays...
full of airports, family, awkward dinner gatherings and the empty-ing of one's said financial nest. JOY TO THE WORLD!
I'm actually looking forward to this year's festivities. This will mark my first time home in over 2 years... a fact my Mother never fails to remind me of. We decided to descend upon my sister and her moderately enthusiastic husband for a period of 10 days... a detail she may soon come to regret. I love her. She is an amazing women who tends to keep us all strung together in some magical-Italian-I'll beat your ass if you don't knock it off- he's trying this year-just keep you mouth shut-big sister kind of way. The "he's trying this year" remark refers to my ever neurotic Father who often likes to spark debate over things not meant to be discussed at "once a year" functions. The price we pay for a family Christmas... gotta love the expected... even when in some (most) cases it guarantees a grand debate w/ Papa P. He's harmless... a great man w/ even greater ideas... most of which are lost on the intellect of today. There should be more Papa P's... people who believe in something so much they risk their very family to secure it's foundation. I may not always agree... but there is something to be said for such a man.
... where that little detour came from... one may never know. All that to say... Christmas is never dull around our house. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Amber said...

glad you joined the blogging world... and gave me a shout out. Holla.