Sunday, December 3, 2006

welcome to me

... well here I am. Kesler Bleu... here for no other reason than self therapy. No censor... no worry of hurting things that are connected. Just an attempt at my truth. I live in a southern town, have a band and travel the field for a living. One large escape into the non-reality that consumes most in my line of work... but for the most part I consider myself a well adjusted twenty something... living an extra ordinary life. A life full of travel and the opportunity to crash into someone new on a daily basis.
I am in the early stages of a career that is relentless, exhausting, unsure, short-lived and down right frustrating... but I love it. I breathe it... am consumed and consume it as much as I'm allowed. I live to push the buttons of the comfortable... to talk of things that make the cushioned pew a bit harder... that bring sweat to the back of most necks... this is me.
... most parts insecure, all parts fiercely determined. I hope you will come along for the ride.



Anonymous said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

welcome kes....